A Conversation with DCU Alumni

We are delighted to inform you that we will hold “A Conversation with DCU Alumni” event on July 27th (Tue) 19:00-20:30 (JST).

Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the IJCC has been actively collaborating with our members via our committees and various online events. Thanks to this we now have more opportunities to welcome young members to the chamber, especially those outside of Tokyo. Younger members give us a unique perspective and they are the future of the Ireland-Japan business relationship.

This opportunity encourages us to hold this event, “A Conversation with DCU Alumni”, that we hope will provide a learning and networking opportunity for our young business professionals and students about to embark on their career. And for our membership in general to get to know some of the younger professionals in our community.

Dublin City University (DCU), one of Ireland's leading universities, has accepted many Japanese students since its foundation in 1980, and has also sent Irish students and graduates to Japan. Those alumni are now active in a wide range of business fields such as consulting, pharmaceuticals, government, IT, engineering, etc. Many DCU alumni belong to the IJCC as members and, especially the young DCU alumni, have contributed greatly to our community.

In this event, we welcome 4 DCU alumni and learn about their career, their experience in DCU, stories about job hunting in Japan, etc.

  •  Emmett Duffy - Assistant Brand Manager Tequila & The Kraken EMEA APAC at Proximo Spirits
  •  Eoin McKeogh - Business Development Manager Navagis Inc.
  •  Doire Myler - HR/English Business Coordinator Sekisui Medical
  •  Wataru Hattori - Key Account Manager/Indeed Japan

After the presentation, we will have advice from Ms. Asami Morita, Market Exective at Enterprise Ireland, about  job-hunting in Ireland & Japan related business fields.  

We will also have a Q&A session and networking time,  A great opportunity for participants and speakers to interact with each other.

To participate, please apply using the participation form below.


Participation is free. After registering for participation, a Zoom link will be issued by email.

We look forward to seeing you!

Event Details

  • Jul 27th 2021
  • 19:00 ~ 20:30
  • Online
  • Free